
Clean Up Crew

Catch up on your books

  • Feeling behind? We will get you back up to date
  • Including bank reconciliation 

Clean things up

  • Reorganize books and accounts to make them more efficient 
  • Clean up areas to ensure less mistakes in the future

Financial statement/report

  • Once all the above is done, a one time financial snapshot so you can see where you're sitting. 


Financial reports

  • Monthly, quarterly, and annually
  • These reports are to give you and your investors a snapshot of how your business is performing

Bank reconciliation

  • This is to ensure you know where your business is sitting financially at any given date

Budgeting and planning

  • An annual report to see where costs can be saved and to plan for the next fiscal year

Essential Plus

Essential services +

AR / AP (accounts receivable and payable)

  • Tracking payments and expenses
  • Manage vendor relationships
    • Verify outstanding balances to and from vendors

Budgeting and planning

  • Semiannual reporting
  • Same as process as Essential


Essential Plus services +

Payroll assistance

  • Payroll processing
  • Time tracking

Quarterly budget analysis

  • Use of statistical analysis to identify cost saving opportunities on a quarterly basis

AR assistance

  • Follow-ups on unpaid invoices

Explanation of Service 

All services (excluding Clean Up Crew) is a 6-/12-month contract. This is to provide proper example of services, at least one financial report per contract term. 

Pricing is based on a number of factors which is why a quote will be given. Services are flat monthly rate. A $50 referral credit will be applied the following month for referring any new clients.  

There is a $50 onboarding fee due at time of onboarding. This includes: a 1 terabyte drive specific to your business which will be password encrypted for security purposes and pre-work to get you and your business information into our systems and databases. 

Clean Up Crew is a project-like service. This will have an hourly rate, $30 per hour. Weekly updates will be given and payment will be due at time of delivery of the financial statement/report. 

Most likely, these projects will only be 2-3 weeks long. 

Get a Quote!